JDA Software Group recently opened a 24-hour customer support center in Monterrey, Mexico.
The "Center of Excellence" is the company's fourth worldwide and first in Latin America. It will provide around-the-clock customer support for customers in the United States, Canada and Latin America.
“JDA established its fourth global Center of Excellence in Monterrey for a variety of strategic reasons,” Executive Vice President of JDA's Center of Excellence Salil Joshi said. “As Mexico’s wealthiest city and the ninth-richest city in Latin America, Monterrey is a very dynamic city, and enjoys a high concentration of businesses and highly skilled talent. Monterrey’s central geographic location allows JDA to establish a quick physical and linguistic connection with North and South America. Finally, Monterrey’s time zone is unique to our global CoEs — which should help JDA synchronize its support staffing with key customer service windows in the Americas region.”
JDA's three other Centers of Excellence are in Bangalore, India; Hyderbad, India; and Warsaw, Poland. The company began investing in 24-hour services centers in 2004 and now maintains a customer service staff of more than 2,000 people.
JDA supplies more than 4,000 customers worldwide with tools for supply chain management.
JDA opens customer service center in Mexico