Enel Green Power (EGP) has been awarded the right to sign 20-year energy supply contracts with the 103 MW Horizonte MP, 158 MW Lapa and 292 MW Nova Olinda photovoltaic projects.
This translates into EGP investing more than $600 million in the construction of these plants, giving the EGP more solar capacity than any other contender from Brazil’s Leilão de Reserva public tender.
“We are extremely pleased about this landmark win, thanks to which we became the number one company in the Brazilian solar industry,” EGP CEO Francesco Venturini said. “The 818 MW of total capacity won in all photovoltaic auctions launched in Brazil so far, the 700 MW won in wind power auctions and 102 MW won in hydropower auctions in the country since 2010 all offer further validation of our Latin America growth strategy, the strength of which is based on our focus on technologies that are approaching or are at grid parity, developing and delivering innovative solutions and extracting synergies with other Enel Group companies in the region.”
EGP estimates that the three new solar facilities will be completed by 2017, hopefully in operational order. The firm plans to provide the construction of an additional 7.1 GW of capacity worldwide by 2019.
Enel Green Power believes it has become Brazil’s top solar firm