Financial publication Valor Economico recently ranked CNH Industrial N.V. 30th on Brazil's 100 most innovative companies list.
The company also ranked in the top five in the Capital Assets category.
All companies that were considered for ranking accounted for revenues exceeding approximately $230 million. They were judged according to four main criteria: intention to innovate, effort to innovate, obtained results and market assessment.
"True innovation meets customer expectations,” Carlos Visconti, product research and development manager for CNH in Latin America, said. “To that end, CNH Industrial has six research and development centers and over 400 dedicated engineers in Latin America. We work every day to further improve our equipment, and we are always seeking to innovate, increase productivity and optimize costs.”
CNH Industrial engages with academic institutions and associations in Brazil to promote further research. These partnerships have been central in the launch of new products, including a new eucalyptus harvester, based on a New Holland Agriculture forage harvester, that can reduce harvesting costs by up to 50 percent. It was the result of a partnership with the Estadual Paulista. This partnership also enabled further advances for the industry-leading Case IH coffee harvester.
CNH Industrial among Brazil's 100 most innovative companies list