Last month’s announcement by Empresas ICA CEO Alonso Quintana came during the company’s attempt to restructure.
Quintana said the change would be effective immediately, though he would continue to offer his full support to the largest infrastructure and construction company in Mexico.
The announcement wasn’t a surprise, since this is an important time in changing the management of the company. On the heels of his announcement, the chairman of the board called an extraordinary board meeting in order to propose the nomination of a new CEO. Luis Zárate is the candidate chosen, and it is expected he will work alongside deputy CEO Alfonso González as Empresas continues its restructuring process.
González has been affiliated with the company in one form or another for more than 40 years, serving as a member of the board of directors, executive vice president of civil contraction, and more. He is expected to take the role and run with it without any hiccups in the inner workings or project management of the company.
A midterm business plan for the new structure is expected to go into effect in March, after its presentation in December of last year. This marks a new beginning and greater innovation for the company.
Quintana resigns as Empresas CEO, makes room for restructure