Sienco, a business group of engineering solutions and consulting services for power substations and infrastructure, on Monday announced the first implementation of the global dTechs SensorSuite for Casanare Power Company (ENERCA) in Colombia; currently, ENERCA has annual energy losses of approximately 13 percent of the total energy distributed, an estimated $7.6 million CAD a year.
The dTechs solution for the ENERCA aims to recover 10 percent of actual losses.
"The implementation of this solution in ENERCA is extremely important because it will allow us to quantify in detail the figures we have for loss or theft," ENERCA Energy Manager Jorge Socadagui said. "With this project we intend to implement effective and efficient strategies that allow us to reduce the rate of loss and theft of energy, which go towards better electricity service and reduced costs for our customers."
The project, which initially will run for six months, will allow ENERCA to obtain detailed analysis of the most critical areas of loss and accurately quantify the value of losses.
"For us it is extremely important to bring to Colombia and Latin America such solutions, which allow energy distribution companies to directly attack the problem of power theft, so that the customers do not end up paying for this theft," Ivan Reyes, general manager of Sienco, said.
ENERCA to implement dTechs SensorSuite