Pizza Patron expects increase in sales during GOP debate

Pizza Patrón, known for its pizza por pesos program with which it accepts Mexican currency at its restaurants, expects increased sales Wednesday when the next Republican presidential primary debate is held.

Customers can try Pizza Patrón's recently launched plate, frijolera, a large pizza with black bean sauce topped with cheese, smoky chorizo sausage, savory ham and crispy bacon for 50 Mexican pesos ($2.97) or pizzas for 150 pesos ($8.91). The restaurant only accepts pesos in bills, not coins, and change is given in U.S. currency.

"Over the years, Pizza Patrón has accepted tens of millions of Mexican pesos at our stores," Pizza Patrón President Andrew Gamm said. "These transactions benefit the U.S. economy and, as anyone can see, it just makes good business sense for our American company. Anyone who has some extra Mexican pesos lying around can exchange them at any Pizza Patrón for a fresh, made-to-order pizza any day of the week."

The company has over 1,000 employees at its 92 restaurants.